Dear Makers,
2023 was an incredible year for Make Santa Fe. We added numerous studio spaces for ceramics, CNC milling, casting, mold making, blacksmithing, and others. We reorganized the facility, cleaned everything, and improved tool maintenance (in some cases, even resurrecting broken tools altogether). Behind the scenes, we implemented fundraising systems, grant application systems, and member management software. We grew our class offerings to over 20 monthly classes, enabling many makers to find new ways of expression and new practical skills.
The Make Santa Fe staff has been working incredibly hard to create a comfortable space for making, community, and engagement. As a result, we’ve seen more activity in community events, creating and inventing at Make, or simply networking with the community. Make has become a ‘3rd place’ for artists, crafters, and makers.
The two key themes in 2024 are community and capacity building. Our community comprises artists, creators, crafters, hobbyists, professionals, aspiring students, and seasoned professionals. Each has a unique use for Make Santa Fe, and all can benefit from a thriving community. We’ll schedule more community events, host exciting parties, and support each other in our making. Make will continue to be where these makers can find like-minded collaborators and high-quality inspiration.
The next few years will require a significant amount of capacity building. As we look to the future, we see exciting opportunities to expand the makerspace, increase the number of disciplines, and impact more individuals. However, these things are only possible if we build the capacity to take them on. To do this, we’ll find ways to streamline existing programs and workloads, and we’ll implement staff development programs. We’ll also look to raise more money through grants and corporate giving. These fundraising efforts will enable us to grow into these exciting opportunities.
As I look forward to 2024, I cannot wait to see our strides in creating a makerspace that is a community resource, a shared workspace, and a third place for so many individuals.
Thank you,

James W. Johnson
Executive Director