Your contribution will go a long way at Make Santa Fe. It enables us to provide our members with a clean, safe, and well-maintained facility; It provides class materials for our badge class teachers; it helps us maintain staff so members always have a resource; and it enables us to establish new industrial arts and crafts workspaces. In other words, your donation supports our makerspace and maker community.
MAKE Santa Fe gives our community access to tools and resources that help turn ideas into reality. Without community support, this space would not be possible. When you give to MAKE, you support artists, makers, students, engineers, craftsmen, tinkerers, and all the amazing creative people in the Santa Fe community.

Gift a membership to someone in need!
Our priority is to provide subsidized memberships to individuals who might not otherwise be able to afford access to Make Santa Fe.
Sponsor workshops and classes for an entire year!
It costs $16,000 per year to pay our workshop teachers.
Help maintain our welding equipment!
It costs $5,000 per year to maintain our metalworking shop, plasma cutter, and welders.
Help to maintain our woodshop and woodworking equipment!
It costs $4,000 per year to maintain our woodworking equipment.
Donate toward the purchase of software & computers!
We’re working to build our library of software and computer equipment.
Sponsor a volunteer day!
We have a growing list if projects to tackle and it takes a village to maintain a Makerspace.
Donate towards the purchase of additional tools & equipment!
Bronse casting, ceramics, painting, micro workstations, vacuum forming, vinyl cutting… these are the things we’d like to bring to the makerspace… but we need your help to do it.
Make a cash donation!
Money keeps the doors open and the machines running, it’s as simple as that. Unrestricted gifts are the best gifts!Volunteer at MAKE Santa Fe
Community engagement is at the core of a successful makerspace. Volunteers help to build and promote a diverse, exciting, and welcoming environment.