Name of ClassDate of Class MM slash DD slash YYYY The instructor was well prepared for the class.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeThe instructor showed an interest in helping students learn.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeThe course content was relevant and useful.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeThe course was organized in a manner that helped me understand the concepts.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeThe course inspired me to engage further with the material.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeI feel confident returning to MAKE and using the equipment/information that was taught.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeI would recommend this course to others.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeOverall, this course met my expectations for the quality of the course.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreePlease provide any additional feedback you'd like to share. Δ