Did your experience with hammer and anvil and fire fascinate you? Are you dreaming of red-hot steel? Ready to consider how a power hammer can expand your capabilities and profit margin? Let’s dive in and discover how to execute the techniques you’ve learned safely and effectively with our Say Mak 50kg hammer.
Blacksmithing Power Hammer
Makers with this Badge
James Ryan
Volunteer, Maker, Metalsmith, Artist
James W. Johnson
Executive Director
3D Modeling3d PrintingBlacksmithingBlacksmithing Power HammerCasting & Mold MakingCeramics & PotteryWoodshopWood LatheSewingPlasma CuttingOxy/AcetyleneCNC RouterElectrics & MicrocontrollersLaser CuttingMetalshop / MIG WeldingMember OrientationKiln Firing Badge2D Drafting and DesignAdvanced CNCRotary CNCIntermediate WeldingCeramic 3D PrintingAdvanced ElectronicsMetal Lathe & Mill
Make Santa Fe Facilities Coordinator and Instructor