Class Schedule
Every Friday for four weeks, we’ll meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to receive instruction, discuss progress, and plan our projects. Gene, the instructor, will demonstrate concepts, share workflow ideas and strategies, answer questions, and work one-on-one with attendees to complete their projects. Attendees will work independently to complete various aspects of their projects between classes.
Week One, Oct 4th: Introduction to CNC Woodworking and the ShopBot PRSAlpha
- Course Overview and Plan
- Introduction to the ShopBot PRS Alpha
- Demonstrations and Projects Showcase
- Introduction to CAD Drafting Software
- Project Brainstorming and Sketching
Week Two, Oct 11th: Design and Planning for the CNC
- Project review, presentation, and group discussion.
- Deep dive into CAD software to manipulate your chosen CNC file.
- Toolpath considerations, joinery, and CNC joints.
- Assembly techniques and finishing methods.
Week Three, Oct 18th: Hands-On with the ShopBot PRSAlpha
- CAD drafting review, presentation, and group discussion.
- Machine setup and tool selection.
- Test cuts and test tool paths on the ShopBot.
- Beginning the fabrication of projects.
- Troubleshooting common issues and learning cleanup and maintenance basics.
Week Four, Oct 25th: Finalizing your project.
- Completing the fabrication process.
- Final project showcase and group discussion.
- Course wrapup and discussion on further resources and next steps in CNC.
***Upon completing their projects, students will gain access to the ShopBot PRS Alpha and, as members, be able to reserve time with the tool. Students must demonstrate safe and effective use of the tool, complete their class project, and gain instructor sign-off before access will be granted.
Who Should Enroll:
This course is ideal for hobbyists, DIY enthusiasts, woodworkers, and anyone interested in learning about CNC machinery and digital fabrication. Whether you want to enhance your skill set for personal projects or professional development, this course offers a solid foundation in CNC woodworking.
- Attendees must have completed our Intro to CNC Router Badge class or our Woodshop Badge.
- Students are encouraged to take our Introduction to CNC drafting class or have a solid understanding of CAD/CAM drafting software.
- Attendees must understand computer basics like navigating file systems, saving, and exporting.
- Participants should have a basic understanding of woodworking tools and safety.
Course Goals:
- Understand the principles of CNC woodworking and the capabilities of the ShopBot PRSAlpha.
- Learn to design for CNC using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software.
- Gain hands-on experience in machine operation, material selection, and tool path creation.
- Complete a personal woodworking project from design to finish.